Thursday, September 2, 2010


Why are we so tempted to compare? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that this one of the biggest problems women deal with in their walk. I know it's true for me. I compare my successes, my failures, my trials, my blessings. I fight this temptation constantly because I know it is the enemy of contentment.

I'm reminded of what Jesus said to Peter about comparing:
Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were young, you used to dress yourself and walk wherever you wanted, but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will dress you and carry you where you do not want to go." (This he said to show by what kind of death he was to glorify God.) And after saying this he said to him, "Follow me."
Peter turned and saw the disciple whom Jesus loved following them, the one who had been reclining at table close to him and had said, "Lord, who is it that is going to betray you?"
When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, "Lord, what about this man?"
Jesus said to him, "If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me!"
John 21:18-22 
I was encouraged to realize afresh this morning that my walk with God is absolutely unique. God is molding each one of us like clay in His hands. We will all become beautiful works of art, slowly being transformed into Christ's likeness from glory to glory. How He accomplishes that in each person is different. Imagine how boring it would be to share our testimonies in heaven if they were all the same story! I for one am grateful to know my testimony is special to God because it is unique. Each of us can bring irreplaceable glory to God, and we can rejoice in that!

1 comment:

Nancy H. said...

Thanks so much for sharing that verse, Ashley...I love it that Jesus says, "What is that to you?" Such a good perspective changer!